Arbus - Carbonia

23 mai 2023, kilomètres aujourd’hui : 72
Kilomètres depuis le début : 1802

I didn’t set the alarm clock... so I leave a bit late, 9:30 am. I have a lot of road with an option to do or not...
The track sends me first on a small road which allows to avoid the main road. Then a steady climb and I arrive around 11am at the top of the Biddardi pass, the highest point of my route.

I pass Bugghero, and start the climb to the second high point, it looks like a pass, even if I don’t see the name, it’s between two small peaks between 500 and 600m and the climb is steeper than on the first point : 10/11% for the most difficult passages, but I’m on the right side and I understand what some French cyclists I met before said to me "it’s going uphill !", on the way down my meter shows -13, -14% !
On the descent I stop at an intersection, I had planned to go to Masua and then Porto Flavia. But it’s already 1.30 pm and the road was not announced to be good... Seen from the top Masua is not really appealing...I continue on Benida where I would nibble a kind of tomato pie while enjoying a good beer ^^
Then I drive without any problem to Carbonia... a town which is not really interesting...

  • Le point le plus haut du jour
  • Paysage
  • Buggerro
  • bugerro
  • Buggerro
  • Buggerro
  • Masua
  • Paysage
  • Paysage
  • Carbonia
  • Carbonia

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