Sauveterre de Bearn - Sare

20 July 2021, kilometres today: 74
Kilometres since the start: 1530

Impossible to have coffee at the campsite: my matches got damp and so no hot water... I decide to go to Saint-Palais having eaten some biscuits and drunk some water...
In Saint-Palais around 10:30am I buy some chocolatine and sandwiches for lunch. It’s getting hot but I finally get my coffee!
The heat will start to worry me an hour later: I have to pass two uphill sections where the slopes are announced on my computer at 12 and 11%... I feel like I’m in a "cagna" without an inch of air and it’s not even noon yet...
I get water from a lady who was going out to buy bread.
I break bread in Louhossoa. I look for a watering place around the trinquet. I finally find some in the cemetery but it is marked non drinkable. So I drink some but don’t fill the canteen completely. A family enters a house, I ask them if they could fill my water bottle, the man indicates me where to find the public toilets of the village with a real water point, by pestering the town hall which could indicate it for the cyclotourists ^^
The rest of the road is easy with one last steep slope (13% for a few meters according to my meter) and I arrive at Dominique and Isabelle’s house around 4:30 pm.

  • Sunflowers and morning mist
  • Veloroute 81
  • Landscape
  • Clearly we are in the Basque Country
  • Saint-Palais
  • Landscape
  • Landscape
  • Louhossoa
  • Louhossoa
  • Louhossoa
  • Louhossoa
  • Louhossoa

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