Donostia - Ondarroa

3 May 2022, kilometres today: 63
Kilometres since the start: 3429

The rain had the good idea to fall during the night and to stop before the start! So the ride was more pleasant than I feared at the beginning.
Also the slope announced at the flyover by Komoot was less important than expected: it was necessary to go up on the mountain to have a rather calm road and a beautiful sight and it was less difficult than expected. Besides, I will stay on the ridge beyond my track, having missed a junction, and it’s so much the better, the road is very pleasant there.
Surprisingly, between Zarautz and Getaria there is a very well laid out footpath that I think can be shared with bikes... But no, bikes are not allowed. I found other very nice paths along the coastal towns they were all shared by pedestrians and bikes ^^
Arrived at Beda, the bridge I have to take is under construction, but a worker allows me to pass (only once!) which saves me a few kilometres of detours đź™‚
I eat in Mutriku, at Spanish time! First of all I go down to the harbour to the cafĂ© that you can see on the picture... but they don’t make food. I have to go up the steep and cobbled streets... but the waitress tells me that there is a lift... I take it and I end up on a nice square.
Then after a little rest in the hotel I walk in Ondarroa which is very pleasant at the aperitif time and with sun rays.

  • Leavng Donostia
  • On the road
  • Getaria
  • A "cycle track" forbidden to bikes!
  • Getaria
  • Getaria
  • Getaria
  • By popular demand
  • Camino
  • Beda
  • A bridge under construction where I passed
  • Mutriku
  • Mutriku
  • Mutriku
  • Ondarroa

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